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Church History

About Us: Portfolio


In 1996 Bishop Ellis Bias had a burning in his back. What a different way to start a church history. But it is true. Bishop Ellis had been told by his Bishop he and the pastor were not fit to serve as pastors or leaders by their Bishop.  So in obedience even thou they were sure they heard God they were obedient.  The fire in Bishop back got worse.  Bishop Bias is a Vietnam Veteran, the veterans administration could find nothing wrong.  They suggested it was mental. Finally, after months later they both prayed and believed they had to obey what they believed, and BG better know as Bringing God’s Word to Life Ministries was born. They stepped out alone. Their previous Bishop told all friends they had worshipped with for over 10 years to not call or interact with them.  They are alone.  But are they from the house on Arundel Ave. in the middle of winter they begin to knock on doors to tell people about Jesus. It is cold no one shows up for the first service, yet the Bishop preached as if the room is packed. They give the offering and prayer out. It is December 8th, 1996.

From then to now there are so many miracles over 26 years. When you need motivation or encouragement please see the video on this website “From Scratch“ for more Godly miracle-exciting adventure journeys, and the history of a truly God-established ministry.

if you have a God-inspired dream, don’t quit. It will be sad, you will have to stand the heartache. you will have to fight for it, pray hard for it, and sacrifice for it, no one may believe in your vision keep standing. no one may see or understand keep going drive and go forward. others may not see you see! It will come to pass! 

God is truly faithful!

Bishop Ellis B Bias   Pastor Lois C Bias

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